It takes a village to bring up a child, runs the old saying, and Emmanuelle Bercot's Le Tête Haute (Standing Tall) is about the modern village of It is a high-minded, often touching movie which replaces the nihilism and miserabilism often to be found in social realism, and replaces them with a. La Tête Haute is more limited in range, which it compensates for with sheer doggedness. The movie takes place in Dunkirk, but we don't really see much of the city or its environs.

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The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets. With a dead father, an irresponsible mother, a difficult social sphere and at a difficult age, Malony goes into a destructive spiral into delinquency. Looking for some great streaming picks?

La Tête haute [La Tête haute]

Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Interview de Emmanuelle Bercot, Rod Paradot, Catherine Deneuve, Sara Forestier, Benoît Magimel pour le film d'ouverture La tête haute. -- Abonnez-vous à la. La tête haute - Malony Ferrando first stood in front of Juvenile Judge Florence Blaque when he was only six. Sauter à la navigation Sauter à la recherche. Pour les articles homonymes, voir La Tête haute (homonymie). La Tête haute est un film réalisé par Emmanuelle Bercot avec Catherine Deneuve, Rod Paradot.

Trailer La Tête haute [La Tête haute]

Starring: Catherine Deneuve, Rod Paradot, Benoît Magimel and others. La Tête Haute zit in z'n genre hoe dan ook boven de grijze middelmaat. Daar waar Paradot moet zitten en zwijgen, heeft hij het als acteur iets moeilijker met z'n gezicht en uitstraling.

Starring: Rod Paradot, Catherine Deneuve, Sara Forestier and others. Bercot co-wrote La Tête Haute with Marcia Romano. Les Films du Kiosque is producer with. A minors' judge and a caseworker work tirelessly to try to save the young offender.

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